ICU Core Meeting Notes

Nov 1, 2006


Mark Davis 
Doug Felt
Deborah Goldsmith
Andy Heninger
Eric Mader 
Michael Ow
Markus Scherer
Ram Viswanadha
Yoshito Umaoka
Vladimir Weinstein

Action Items

Number Due Who Description
26 11/08/06 Yoshito Check with Eclipse team and evaluate if the wrapper code needs to be updated
31 11/08/06 Mark,
Look at UnicodeSet and CollectionUtilities,  make a proposal
32 11/08/06 Steven Restore full functionality to Transliteration Demo.
33 11/15/06 Michael Set up Java on FreeBSD machine
34 11/30/06 Steven SVN updates and staging server setup 
6 12/1/06 Markus futz around with different options for cnv binary file and report back to the group with recommendation.
38 11/08/06 Eric Send out the list of contentious items in the list of APIs marked @internal in ICU4J
39 11/08/06 Steven Check if file properties can be set on the server
40 11/08/06 Vladimir To check if the file properties be set via cvs2svn properties

Translations of Hong Kong and Macao 

Mark: Google is ok with using icu-config.xml for filtering the translations. SurveyTool must be updated to expose the alt values via survey tool
Steven: This functionality is already available in SurveyTool.
Deborah: The shorter translation should be the shorter string.

Subversion and Trac status

Andy described the list of tasks that need to completed before transition to subversion and trac. Requested everyone to review the list and add task items if missing.
Markus raised the issue file properties. Long discussion followed.
Markus: should we activate CVS keyword expansion?
Consensus: No
Markus inquired about the time line for transition
Steven: 15th of Nov as the phase 1 and 1st Dec as the transition date.


Deborah raised an issue that there is currently no API in ICU to access the data in supplementalData.txt.
Mark indicated that there is a bug for making sure that all data in CLDR is accessible in ICU. That bug should be scheduled for 3.8.

Arabic Shaping

Eric sent some questions and comments about Arabic Shaping code contribution sot ICU Core list and requests resolution.

UTC Meeting

Andy inquired if there were any items on the agenda that ICU should be concerned about
Mark replied that the latest IDN draft and stable normalization are the topics that would effect ICU