ICU Core Meeting Notes

Oct. 25, 2006


Mark Davis 
Doug Felt
Deborah Goldsmith
Andy Heninger
Eric Mader 
Michael Ow
Markus Scherer
Ram Viswanadha
Yoshito Umaoka

Action Items

Number Due Who Description
26 11/08/06 Yoshito Check with Eclipse team and evaluate if the wrapper code needs to be updated
31 11/01/06 Mark,
Look at UnicodeSet and CollectionUtilities,  make a proposal
32 11/01/06 Steven Restore full functionality to Transliteration Demo.
33 11/15/06 Michael Set up Java on FreeBSD machine
34 11/30/06 Steven SVN updates and staging server setup 
35 11/01/06 George Send raw data to Doug and announce on the public mailing list after adding disclaimers and caveats to the summary page.
36 11/01/06 Doug, Eric, Ram, Mark, Yoshito Comment on Eric's email about @internal APIs in ICU4J
37 11/01/06 Steven Submit a bug in CLDR for modifying SurveyTool with respect to Relative Date Time Format data
6 12/1/06 Markus futz around with different options for cnv binary file and report back to the group with recommendation.

ICU Suvey Results

George gave an overview of summary of suvey results. Long discussion followed.
Mark suggested adding caveats to public summary page about small sample size
Steven suggested that a survey window could pop up everytime a user tries to download ICU. Can be done for 3.8
Markus proposed a suvey design committee to design the survey offline.

Collation Probe Tool

Andy enquired about the appropriate loacation to place the collation probe tool.
Decision:  tools top level module in ICU repository is the  right location

ICU4J APIs Marked @internal

Doug and Eric requested a closure on the list of APIs that are marked @internal. See 36 above.
Eric requested that @internal APIs in ICU4C should also be reviewed. This list can be obtained here.

Relative Date Time Formats

Deborah indicated that Relative Date Time formats is an important feature for Apple and should be planned for 3.8.
Data for implementing this feature is already available in English locale in CLDR.
Mark opined that more research is needed to flesh out data in English locale. Vetters do not provide correct data for their languages unless a corresponding item is available in English.
Decision: Schedule JB 2895 for 3.8